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Posts By: Lyrah Catingub (Teacher)Show All

A Wonderful Day at the Library: Our First School Year 2023-2024 Adventure

Oct. 15, 2023By: Lyrah Catingub (Teacher)

Hello there, book lovers! I had an awesome experience with my students, who had the most amazing library visit ever in the new school year, 2023-2024. It was a day filled with laughter, learning, and curiosity.

The first-grade students gathered in the library, and they couldn't stop wondering what they witnessed. Shelves were piled high with books of all types, and they felt like they had entered a whole new world of possibilities. They also sat in those comfortable beanbags, eager for the adventure to begin.


Teacher Merce, our librarian, accompanies them on this incredible journey; she began reading a fantastic story about a whale and a fish. Her voice was magical, bringing the story to life and taking the students on an underwater adventure.


The students didn't just sit there quietly, they were completely captivated! They raised their hands, expressed their opinions, and even predicted what would happen next. It was a worthwhile discussion of the story, and everyone had a great time.

And guess what? One of the enthusiastic students said that he was excited to visit the library to borrow books and everyone nodded in agreement. That's incredible! It's as though he couldn't wait to dive into new stories and discover new things.

When the story wrapped up, the excitement wasn't over. Teacher Merce showed them around the library and introduced them to all the wonderful books they could explore. The students ran their fingers along the book spines, imagining all the cool adventures they could have by picking up a book.

You could see the light in their eyes as they exited the library. This was more than just a typical library visit. It was the beginning of a whole new journey. The students were excited to read, learn, and use their imaginations. Who would have thought that a simple visit to the library could be so exciting and full of possibilities?

The inspiring story of my students' first library visit this school year serves as a reminder that books are like keys that can unlock endless doors to imagination and knowledge. So, remember the adventure that awaits you the next time you visit a library!


What a Success!

Sep. 20, 2021By: Lyrah Catingub (Teacher)

The fourth quarter of the school year was about to start and we decided to move up some students who were academically progressing to a new grade level. I was delighted, excited, and yet a little bit nervous thinking that I would have a new student who is intelligent, gifted, and of course, well-loved by everyone both in school and in the shelter.

The first few weeks were filled with many things to adapt to, and I prayed that the new student would not be too overwhelmed by the change. Slowly, with the help of the responsive classroom approach we implemented, it supports the student to have an easy transition to a new environment.

In our school, we usually do our morning routines such as greetings, group sharing activities, reading of the morning message, and praying before we start our classes. One of the best memories of my journey with this boy was when he first greeted me with my name as his "new teacher" and hugged me. He even asked me about my morning. He was so excited!

The first day with him was not as smooth as I hoped for. There were a few bumps. This was the reason why we observed him in the classroom and modifications were made to suit the student's needs. He would always choose to be the first person in the line, but I explained that we have our rules on "taking turns," and he already had his chance. When I checked on him outside the classroom the next day, he sat on his spot and patiently waited for others to come. I realized that firmness and consistency are two powerful tools to achieve successful classroom management.

Another classroom scene that made my day was when we had our group sharing. Knowing that younger students are visual learners, I added fun pictures to make our sharing more interactive and to get their attention. As I flashed some images on the screen, I heard him laugh as if he was being tickled. It went on for a long time, and it certainly gave his classmates a stomachache laughing with him which caused a little bit of chaos in the class. So, I gave him 30 seconds, and he did stop. It was effective, then we began with our sharing. Since that moment, we've been working on calling the name of the next sharer. He was very observant and quick to realize that he needed to do the same to his classmates. To our surprise, he was able to call the next sharer without his classmate's help and use the phrase "Popcorn, student's name." Everyone in the class was shocked and happy, telling me, "Teacher Lyrah, have you heard him saying popcorn? He learns so fast!" Truly, success happens not just because of one person working as "the teacher," but it includes the students and peers who help one another and have a common goal to lift each other up.

Moreover, I have noticed that he is gifted and very clever. I had set aside things each morning and prepared different materials that he would need to stay focused in our class. These things will be given after each class activity. It was essential to remind him that he needed to finish his tasks then he could use what is prepared for him. Well, being firm with expectations and setting classroom boundaries are challenging at times; however, at CCHS we always do it with love and care.

He appeared to be adjusting into our classroom setting over the next few days. He also loves to participate when being asked. Though, he needed some reminders from time to time for him to stay on track. There was one instance in the middle of our discussion he stood up and asked for his dinosaur books. We stopped, and most of his classmates reminded him to ask permission every time he stands or wants to have something. He did go back to his seat and asked permission. But it was not time for him to read a book yet. So, he participated in our reading first and answered all the activities. Then he got the book for him to enjoy. Another strategy that was very effective to him was giving him a time frame before he could get his desired reading materials. These things didn't come easy, it requires hard work, patience, determination, cooperation, and above all, love. We made a lot of classroom modifications to cater for his needs and the rest of the class.

To be successful in the classroom, as teachers, we need to set clear classroom boundaries for our students.

As Colossians 3:23-24 says: "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward."

Exploring Connects To Learning

Feb. 9, 2020By: Lyrah Catingub (Teacher)

Having fun while learning feels like playing a game. – N.N. Porchezhiyan

We did many fun activities in class this past month. The highlights of the activities were done during our Math and English Language Arts (ELA) classes. Our Math lesson was about comparing and ordering objects by weight. I instructed my students to look for three objects inside the classroom. To my surprise, one of my students was shaking with excitement and told me that he was waiting for this activity and to use the balance scale. Since one of our goals at CCHS is to have students be more independent I prepared the balance scale, instructed them on what to do and they did the rest. The result was priceless! Smiles were on their faces as they completed their tasks with only minor mistakes.


During our ELA class my students learned about the plant life cycle. To make it more fun and realistic we conducted an investigation about how plants reproduce. They planted two types of plants: a plant that grows from a seed and a plant that grows from a bulb. The weather was not ideal that day and it was raining. My students were worried and thought that we might not continue with our planting. The excitement rose when I announced that we would still do the activity.



Learning can't just be found in the four walls of the classroom. Learning is not just with a paper and a pencil. Learning is about exploring!

A Great Day In Science

Aug. 31, 2019By: Lyrah Catingub (Teacher)

In our science curriculum, before we formally discuss the main topic, students participate in a science investigation activity. Our third main topic dealt with the different inquiry skills scientists use to help them gather information.

To make it more exciting for my students and to give them something to look forward to, I announced to my class two days before the actual "activity day" that we would be doing a science investigation.

On that day, as I entered in the classroom, I found my students patiently waiting and I could sense that they were all excited for the science activity. The activity was entitled "Measure Up!" Measuring is one of the inquiry skills used by scientists and the objective of this activity was for students to be able to practice using a ruler or a tape measure to find the length and compare objects by length.

The students were grouped into pairs and these were the steps they followed:
1. Measure a desk inside the classroom.
2. Look for an object inside the classroom which is longer than the desk you first measured (the first group chose to measure a bookshelf for their longer object while the second group chose to measure the whiteboard).
3. Look for another object inside the classroom which is shorter than the desk you first measured (the first group chose to measure a book for their shorter object while the second group chose a pencil holder).

IMG_20190723_151311-c7aefCollaborative learning was being developed and practiced by each student as they took turns in performing the science activity. The most surprising and rewarding part for me was when they confidently shared their results. Group one shared that the book measured 1 foot and concluded that it was shorter than the desk. The desk measured 2 feet. The bookshelf was the longest with a measurement of almost 6 feet.

Another inquiry skill that they used during the activity was communication. In communicating, students needed to record their results through writing and drawing. At the end of the investigation they discovered that the inquiry skill "measure" helped them find and compare the lengths of objects.

After the excitement from this activity I am more motivated to plan for other activities that help the students become more independent (and excited!) in their learning.

Science Can Be Funny

Jul. 26, 2018By: Lyrah Catingub (Teacher)


The official school year has begun at CSC! Teacher Lyrah, one of our dedicated and gifted teachers, shared about a science lesson she taught the other day:

Everyone was ready and calm as I stepped into the classroom. The students seemed very excited for the afternoon's discussion entitled "The Scientist and the Science tools."

I asked my students about the science tools and the brainstorming happened like this:

TEACHER: Can you still remember some of the science tools that you learned about last year in your class?

STUDENTS: Yes, Teacher Lyrah!

TEACHER: Tell me about one of those science tools.

STUDENT 1: Teacher, a hand lens.

STUDENT 2: How about a balance?

STUDENT 3: A measuring cup.

STUDENT 4: Thermometer!

TEACHER: WOW! You are really thinking about these tools. What are some others?

I called on one student who hadn't answered yet.

TEACHER: Okay, what is it?

He was very hesitant about his tool and just smiled again.

STUDENT 5: Teacher, how about a telecopter?

He was laughing so hard because he mentioned the tool in a different way. Everyone in the class was puzzled about his answer.

STUDENT 1: What do you mean a telecopter?

Student 5 laughed so hard and kept on saying the word telecopter.

STUDENT 5: (laughing) Teacher, what I mean is a telescope not a telecopter!

TEACHER: A telecopter? That word is a combination of a telescope and a helicopter. Isn't it?

He laughed and said: " Yes, teacher because we use a telescope to see the stars and other flying objects like helicopters."

Then I remembered the time last year when I showed them a telescope and we talked about how it worked.

Everyone in the classroom was amazed with his great new word invention!